Tax Advisory Services to Support Improved Worker Superannuation Access

Palladium’s Pacific Labour Facility (PLF) works with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to support the administration of the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme and facilitate opportunities for Australian employers to connect with workers from the Pacific and Timor-Leste.

In response to the challenges workers face in navigating Australia’s superannuation system and making Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) claims, the PLF seeks to engage a registered tax agent to help workers understand the DASP process and gather and prepare relevant DASP documentation while in Australia, so they can more easily lodge their DASP claim once they have departed Australia and are eligible.

This may include outlining the taxation arrangements on superannuation payments and DASP claims, supporting workers to contact their superannuation fund(s) to confirm what documents are required to support their application, acting on behalf of a client (with authorisation), arranging for payment into the clients’ overseas bank accounts upon completion of DASP claim, helping workers to navigate the claim platform and to start their DASP claims prior to their departure from Australia, and facilitating lodgement once they depart Australia.



Closing date:
23 May 2024